Small Business Program

WSP USA maintains its Small Business Program in compliance with and in furtherance of corporate, federal, state, local, and private contractual and regulatory requirements. In furtherance of our Program we: (1) engage in outreach efforts to identify small/disadvantaged businesses; (2) post potential subcontracting opportunities; (3) offer helpful resources for small/disadvantaged business concerns; and (4) participate in Mentor Protégé Programs.

Conference / Work Session

Small /disadvantaged businesses should identify any and all small /disadvantaged business certifications that they have when they complete their Supplier Registration application. Remember, that small business certification requirements differ by the entity issuing the certification. For example, just because your business is certified as small on the state level does not automatically mean that your business will meet federal small business certification requirements and visa versa. Furthermore, the process of becoming small business certified on federal DOT contracts differs from the process of becoming certified for all other federal contracts (SBA Small Business Certification). The two federal certification programs are not reciprocal.

While we are eager to work with qualified small/disadvantaged business concerns, federal regulations require us to warn you that the misrepresentation of socio-economic status, in order to obtain work on federal or federally funded projects, may result in the federal government imposing penalties upon you, including, but not limited to, the imposition of fines, imprisonment, suspension, and debarment.